Accueil Matelas Back To School Sleep Tips. Routines, Schedules, And Sleep Hygiene

Back To School Sleep Tips. Routines, Schedules, And Sleep Hygiene

Home / School / Sleep / Back To School Sleep Tips Parents understand the importance of quality sleep for their children’s academic success. Children will be happier and more focused if they get enough sleep. It is important to get enough sleep for memory formation and retention – an essential part of learning.

How can parents help their children regain a regular sleep schedule after vacations or summer breaks? Healthy sleep habits are key to a healthy lifestyle. Children’s academic success and general well-being are directly related to their sleep habits and quality sleep environments.

How Important Is It To Establish A Sleep Schedule

Parents are the best source of guidance for children regarding healthy habits. You should not let sleep slip by. A regular sleep schedule is important for both children and adults. It helps the body to know when it’s time to go to bed and when it’s time for a wake-up call. Sleep schedules can help prevent fatigue, exhaustion and daytime sleepiness.

Parents who set a bedtime for their children and teens are more likely to give them enough sleep. Students with parent-set bedtimes are more likely to get enough sleep than peers who don’t have them. Students who have parent-set bedtimes are less tired and more able to stay awake during the day.

How Much Sleep Does Your Child Need?

The amount of sleep required for your child will vary depending on their age, level of activity, and individual needs. These guidelines are suggested by the National Sleep Foundation:

  • Preschoolers (ages 3 and up) need between 10-13 hours sleep
  • Children between the ages of 6 and 13 years old need 9-11 hours sleep each night.
  • Teenagers between the ages of 14-17 require 8-10 hours sleep.

According to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC), most American teenagers and children don’t get enough sleep. Nearly 6 out 10 middle schoolers, and 7 out 10 high schoolers don’t get enough sleep at night. Nearly two-thirds of high school students polled sleep less than eight hours a night.

Students can achieve their best performance by adhering to sleep schedules that include parental support.

How To Get Back On A Sleep Schedule For School After Summer Or Holidays

Students naturally relax during school breaks, which allows them to adjust their sleep schedules. Break time is a time for kids to recharge and rest, and there are often lots of exciting activities! It might be best to keep children on their regular sleeping schedules during holiday breaks. They won’t need to quickly return to school after a break.

As much as possible, help your children to have a consistent schedule. They should go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same hour each morning. This will ensure that even if school is reopened after a break they have a routine of getting to bed and getting up at the same time each day.

How can parents help their children get on the right sleep schedule to return to school? It’s okay to take it one day at time.

Adjusting a sleep schedule should not be a one-step process. Your child should wake up 15 minutes earlier in the week before school starts. Also, they should go to bed 15 minutes earlier than during breaks. Keep adjusting their bed and wake times every few days in increments of 15 minutes until they are sleeping and waking at the right times for school.

Some children find it difficult to adjust to a new schedule. If your child is still not falling asleep after twenty minutes of sleep, ask them to get out of their bedroom and engage in a quiet activity that induces sleep. Once they’re asleep, put them back to sleep.

Be patient and take your time. Talking about sleep and good habits may be beneficial for older children and teens.

What Makes A Good Bedtime Routine?

Children can sleep better and be more prepared for the next day by winding down at night. Good bedtime routines include: