Accueil Matelas Obesity And Sleep Deprivation: The Connection

Obesity And Sleep Deprivation: The Connection

The conventional wisdom was that one’s weight was determined solely by their diet and exercise level. We now know that body weight is more than a function of one’s behavior. Your genetics, socioeconomic status and community environment all have an impact on your weight. Stress, general health, and even overall health can also play a part. Sleep loss is also a risk factor for obesity.

Obese people should be aware that weight loss can lead to weight gain. Being overweight can also cause sleep problems, which can in turn worsen the biological processes that contribute weight gain. This is a frustrating cycle but there is help for those who are obese or overweight to improve their sleep and reduce the negative health effects of sleep loss.

How Does Sleep Deprivation Lead To Weight Gain?

Overeating and weight gain can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Ghrelin and Leptin are hormones that regulate appetite. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces less of these hormones, which can lead to increased hunger. Obesity has been linked to sleep deprivation and high levels of growth hormone deficiency. Insufficient sleep can also affect your food metabolism.

The effects of sleep deprivation on weight are not limited by chemical changes. Studies have shown that a shorter sleep time can lead to a higher preference for high-calorie foods. The risk of weight gain is increased by eating too many calories late at night. Adults who don’t get enough sleep tend to get less exercise than those who get enough, possibly because they feel tired and sleepy during the day.

Childhood Obesity, Sleeplessness

Due to their brain development and important bodily functions, children need more sleep than adults. Children who aren’t getting enough sleep can become overweight or obese. Children who don’t get enough sleep may experience the same hormonal changes that cause weight gain in adults. They may also feel more tired during the day, which could lead to decreased activity.

Weight can also be affected by bedtime. One study showed that children who went bed later than their peers had poorer diet quality and consumed more nutrients and less fruits and vegetables.

Research has also shown that children who are overweight are more likely to experience adverse health effects if they sleep less or have irregular sleeping patterns.

What Does Being Overweight Have To Do With Your Sleep?

Obese people are more likely than others to experience insomnia. Evidence suggests that obesity may be associated with fatigue and increased daytime sleepiness, even in those who sleep uninterrupted at night. Researchers believe that obesity can alter metabolism and/or sleep-wake cycles, which could lead to sleep quality declines. You may also experience physical effects from excess weight that can affect your sleep quality.

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What Are The Most Common Sleep Concerns In People Who Are Overweight?

Sleep can be affected by many health conditions, including those that are more common in obese and overweight individuals. Obesity can make it more difficult to sleep.

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).: OSA refers to a sleep disorder where the airway collapses. This can cause loud snoring or breathing problems at night. Obese people are seven times more likely to have OSA. Obesity can not only increase your risk of developing OSA but it can also make the symptoms more severe.
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): GERD, a chronic condition where stomach contents leak into the esophageal lining, can cause symptoms like heartburn. Obesity has been shown to be a risk factor for GERD. GERD can be linked to disturbed sleep and the possibility of worsening symptoms when you lie down.
  • Depression Obesity and depression are closely related. In other words, depression can be exacerbated by obesity, and depression can cause weight gain. People suffering from depression are more likely to have sleep problems. Depression can lead to insomnia up to 75% of time.
  • Asthma – Asthma refers to a condition that causes inflammation of the airways. Being overweight increases your risk of developing asthma.

Many asthma patients experience nighttime symptoms that make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • Osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis refers to a condition in which the cartilage has been worn down. Osteoarthritis can be caused by being overweight. This is due to the extra weight that places strain on the joints. Osteoarthritis can affect sleep, which may be exacerbated by depression and sleep disturbances.
  • How Can You Get Better Sleep If You Are Overweight?

    Sleep hygiene is a practice that promotes a good night’s sleep. It is vital for all people, but it is especially important for those who have sleep problems. This includes establishing a regular sleep schedule, establishing a bedtime routine, and practicing healthy habits throughout the day. These steps are especially helpful for those who are overweight.

    • Exercise – Exercising can improve the quality of sleep for people with sleep disorders. Patients with OSA have also found that exercise can reduce their symptoms, regardless of whether they are losing weight. Exercising outside allows you to see natural light and promotes a healthy sleeping-wake cycle.
    • Choose a mattress that suits you. It is important that your mattress provides proper alignment and a balanced contact pressure between your body, the mattress and your spine. Each person has a different preference for a mattress. Research shows that one’s body weight can have an impact on the mattress they choose.
    • Choose healthy foods: While nutrition and diet are important components of good sleep hygiene, they can also be a challenge for some people. A balanced diet can improve your sleep quality. Research has shown that eating a high-carbohydrate diet can reduce your ability to fall asleep deep. Another study showed that people who ate within 30-60 minutes of bedtime had poorer sleep patterns.

    It can be difficult to get out of the sleep-weight gain cycle. If you have poor sleep quality that may be linked to weight, it is important to consult a doctor. Some patients may benefit from weight loss, but not all.

    A doctor can give you personalized guidance on how to incorporate the above methods and may also be able suggest additional interventions.

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